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In Preparation

Hope and Preparation

Rev. Anne Abdy

In Preparation

Dear Friends in Christ,

Advent is a season of hope and preparation, inviting us to reflect on Christ’s coming into the world. This time before Christmas encourages us to prepare our hearts, minds and bodies for the Savior. As we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth; we also anticipate with joy His glorious return.

In this week’s readings we read the phrase “I am sending a messenger to prepare the way before me.” (Malachi 3:1) What does “prepare the way” mean to you? What does that look like for you? How do you prepare the way? And, then the word, “way” could mean “many paths.” My path? Your path? Our paths? God’s path?

It was my experience in Africa that it is not uncommon for Christians to decline Holy Communion. This ritual became obviously clear to me when my mentor priest and I visited a parishioner in a rural village. She refused our offer of home communion because she “wanted time to prepare.”

Picture of Rev. Anne with Mother Julia (98-year-old) who knew my father, Rev. Jim Abdy shown below.

Here she is accepting a food bag full of her favorite treats. (Ovamboland, Namibia, 2015)

Today, our time to prepare is not a whole week long. It may not even be an hour long. It is minutes and sometimes seconds. There is quiet built into the service: before the service, between the readings, at the peace. Moments of quiet. Moments to pause. Moments to reflect on your relationship with the Creator. Moments to reconnect with your Savior.

How are you re-connecting with God this season?



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