Sunday Service:
8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
5820 Myrtle Grove Rd
Wilmington, NC 28409
Dear Friends in Christ,
I have several crosses that I cherish. They come in all shapes and sizes. Maybe you have a few too. They all have sentimental value for me. Yesterday, as I was undoing the clasp of the DOK cross to place it around my neck, this thought entered my mind. “This is my Christian identity for the day.”
Now you might say, “Isn’t your identity Christian anyway?” “Well, Yes.” “But you’re a Christian, that’s your identity, right.”
What I mean is this. Yes, I am a Christian, but depending on how I feel and how I view my identity on any given day, I select the cross for that day. To further help with this explanation, let me give a few examples. I have a simple wooden cross, a crucifix cross, and a cross with three crosses embedded on the rectangle plate.
One day I might want to wear the plain cross (the universal symbol) to let the world know that I am a Christian. On another day when I feel close to the Trinity, I’d wear the necklace with the three crosses. On another given day, I feel the grief and passion of Christ, choosing to wear the necklace with the crucifix. With these examples, I hope to explain myself. My identity never changes. My identity will be, and always, reflects my Christian beliefs; however, each day my personal identity is related to my relationship with God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit.
As we anticipate the coming of the Nativity of the Christ Child, we can also look to our outward signs and symbols for the hope of the Second Coming of Christ.