Sunday Service:
8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

Join us on a spiritual journey, exploring teachings and vibrant discussions tailored for every age group.
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- Sat, Feb 08Holy Cross
- Sun, Mar 02Holy Cross
- Mon, Mar 03Holy Cross
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- Order Now for Future EventsHoly Cross

"Go Make A Difference"
Blessing Box
Have you noticed our blessing box? It's like the little library boxes, but with items of food and
basic necessities. Genius idea! The items below seem to be the most beneficial and needed.
Chief Boyardee’s canned products
(ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs, lasagna etc.) Campbell’s Soups
Canned fruits (mixed, pineapple, peaches, pears)
Tuna fish in water
Mac and Cheese
Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
You can donate these items by placing them in
the plastic containers (marked Blessing Box) just inside the front door of the Church.
The box frequently needs replenishment,
signifying that it, and all those who contribute, are serving the community. Thank you and may
you know every day that you are a true blessing
to those around you and to your community.
Federal Point Help Center
Food Requests in December/January:
Small rice, Pasta sauce, Canned Meats,
Small Peanut Butter, Jelly, Canned Fruit,
Hot Cereals, and Beans (not green beans)
The area covered by the Federal Point Help Center has expanded to include (Holy Cross), Monkey Junction
to Piner Road, Pleasure Island and areas in between
due to the increase in rent prices.
Meals of Love
Matthew 11:28-30 - Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
We are resurrecting our outreach to the Lower Cape Fear Life Care center (hospice) by providing Meals of Love (1 lunch per month - the last Wednesday of each month).
This involves two casseroles (any type), two sides (anything), dessert and miscellaneous items. Please see the link below to sign up for anything you feel you can provide. If everyone signs up a few times a year, we can easily provide this important meal. Just FYI - this meal is to feed the families of those who have a loved one at the hospice center. This service is an incredible convenience that allows them to stay within the facility throughout their stay. Anyone who has had a loved one at this facility can appreciate this convenience.
Click on the link below to the spreadsheet for 2025. Plug your name into the slot that you prefer, i.e. casserole, side dish, dessert, etc. In addition to meals they can always use:
Water, Drinks, Juices Raman noodles Nabs, Crackers Cheese, Peanut Butter Pop Tarts, Cereals, Instant Grits, Oatmeal, breakfast bars Salt/Pepper, butter, dressings, mustard & Ketchup K-cups, coffee creamers, teas, hot chocolate Cookies, chips - single serve
Thank you for supporting this outreach program and thank you for all you do to support Holy Cross!

A Note from Rev. Anne Abdy

Our Mission:​
To spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ with love and grace through worship, study and outreach.
Get to know us!
View photos from activities and events that take place in our community of faith.

We have many ways to get acquainted, share interests, and promote a loving community.
Choose to join us. You'll be glad you did and so will we!
This week's sign up is to participate in the Coffee Social Hour on Sundays. A relaxed meet and greet just waiting for you to be part of the fun. Complete the form on the side if you want to help.