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Sunday Service:
Jan 12, 2025
10:00 AM
Dear Friends in Christ,
The word Epiphany is derived from a Greek word meaning “manifestation” or “appearing.” The Anglican Prayer Book changed the title to: "The Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles” acknowledging the arrival of the three kings at the lowly Bethlehem stable. The observance on January 6th dates back to the 2nd century. It is the change of the season from Christmas to Christ’s entry into the world as a missioner. The readings tell of Jesus’ baptism, his first miracle – the Wedding at Cana, and the beginnings of his ministry among the people. It is our opportunity to also acknowledge our ministries at HCEW and those ministries in our own lives. This year we will celebrate the feast day (1/6) on this coming Sunday at both services.
Mary (Luke 1:26-38) and Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38) pondered the words spoken by the Angel Gabriel. I imagine that the shepherds did too. In fact, Luke tells us that they “discussed” this event and decided to go to Bethlehem to “see for themselves.” (Luke 2:15) I am sure the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12), some theologians believe them to be astrologers because they saw this curious star in the east. Regardless, these men (only 3? we don’t know) were learned men. They knew things, and much like scientists today when their curiosity is peaked, they investigate. What were they expecting from the bright star when it stopped over the stable in Bethlehem. Or was it a home? Joseph surely had found housing for the family. We know the wise men took 6 months to two years (depending on the theologian you read). So, no manger bed. As we emerge from 2024 into this New Year of 2025, what are you expecting? What aspirations do you have? What will energize you this year in ministry? How will you engage in parish life of Holy Cross this year?
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